Webboard: Also problem with mysqld_stmt_execute
2014-05-29 01:30:20 UTC
Author: Tom Paamand
indexer starts allright, but stops after 0-10 good hits.
"Incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute"
Tried a lot of stuff, but no luck...


$ /mnogo/sbin/indexer -Eblob
indexer[17151]: Converting to blob
indexer[17151]: Loading URL list
indexer[17151]: Converting intag00
indexer[17151]: mysql_stmt_execute() failed: Incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute


$ /mnogo/sbin/indexer -a
[some good hits, then]
indexer[17341]: [17341]{01} mysql_stmt_execute() failed: Incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute
indexer[17341]: [17341]{01} Error: 'DB err: mysql_stmt_execute() failed: Incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute - '


$ /mnogo/sbin/indexer
indexer[17769]: indexer from mnogosearch-3.3.8-mysql-pqsql started with '/mnogo/etc/indexer.conf'
indexer[17769]: [17769]{01} Done (0 seconds, 0 documents, 0 bytes, 0.00 Kbytes/sec.)


Ubuntu server 10.04.1 x86_64
Mysql 14.12 Distrib 5.0.90
Shared server.

Reply: <http://www.mnogosearch.org/board/message.php?id=21646>
2014-05-29 08:10:32 UTC
Author: Alexander Barkov
Post by b***@mnogosearch.org
indexer starts allright, but stops after 0-10 good hits.
"Incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute"
Tried a lot of stuff, but no luck...
Which MySQL version are you using?

Perhaps you hit this problem:
Post by b***@mnogosearch.org
$ /mnogo/sbin/indexer -Eblob
indexer[17151]: Converting to blob
indexer[17151]: Loading URL list
indexer[17151]: Converting intag00
indexer[17151]: mysql_stmt_execute() failed: Incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute
$ /mnogo/sbin/indexer -a
[some good hits, then]
indexer[17341]: [17341]{01} mysql_stmt_execute() failed: Incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute
indexer[17341]: [17341]{01} Error: 'DB err: mysql_stmt_execute() failed: Incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute - '
$ /mnogo/sbin/indexer
indexer[17769]: indexer from mnogosearch-3.3.8-mysql-pqsql started with '/mnogo/etc/indexer.conf'
indexer[17769]: [17769]{01} Done (0 seconds, 0 documents, 0 bytes, 0.00 Kbytes/sec.)
Ubuntu server 10.04.1 x86_64
Mysql 14.12 Distrib 5.0.90
Shared server.
Reply: <http://www.mnogosearch.org/board/message.php?id=21647>
2014-05-29 09:01:32 UTC
Author: Tom Paamand
Thanx for answer. I think it is a very good guess, and have forwarded it to my host. My Mysql version is 5.0.90, and is covered in the bug report. I will return with more info, if this was the solution!
Post by b***@mnogosearch.org
Ubuntu server 10.04.1 x86_64
Mysql 14.12 Distrib 5.0.90
Shared server.
Post by b***@mnogosearch.org
indexer starts allright, but stops after 0-10 good hits.
"Incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute"
Tried a lot of stuff, but no luck...
Which MySQL version are you using?
Post by b***@mnogosearch.org
$ /mnogo/sbin/indexer -Eblob
indexer[17151]: Converting to blob
indexer[17151]: Loading URL list
indexer[17151]: Converting intag00
indexer[17151]: mysql_stmt_execute() failed: Incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute
$ /mnogo/sbin/indexer -a
[some good hits, then]
indexer[17341]: [17341]{01} mysql_stmt_execute() failed: Incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute
indexer[17341]: [17341]{01} Error: 'DB err: mysql_stmt_execute() failed: Incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute - '
$ /mnogo/sbin/indexer
indexer[17769]: indexer from mnogosearch-3.3.8-mysql-pqsql started with '/mnogo/etc/indexer.conf'
indexer[17769]: [17769]{01} Done (0 seconds, 0 documents, 0 bytes, 0.00 Kbytes/sec.)
Ubuntu server 10.04.1 x86_64
Mysql 14.12 Distrib 5.0.90
Shared server.
Reply: <http://www.mnogosearch.org/board/message.php?id=21649>
