Webboard: Picture Search
2011-11-20 12:18:46 UTC
Author: Alexander Barkov
thanks for your help and sry for my late reply.
I addeded
Allow *.jpg *.png *.gif
to the config file and activated the section url.file by adding
Section url.file 20 128
to my config file (section id = 20, i also changed the max lenght from 0 to 128)
When I search for a filename I do not get any results. So I added a AlwaysFoundWord for debugging purposes. When i search for the "AlwaysFoundWord" i get all the results of my site - but no Loading Image..." URL. It seams that the Images do not get indexed.
When I start the indexer with the verbose level turned to 6, i get the following result. I am not sure, if i understand it right. But to me it seams like the URL(Image) gets found and accepted. But why does it not get indexed?
Sorry, I forgot this important command:

CheckOnly *.jpg *.png *.gif

Without this command indexer downloads the images

but then it does not know what to do with this

context, so it assigns status "415 Unsupported Media Type"

to them.
indexer[14040]: [14040]{01} Link 'imgs/youtube_1_borderless.png' Loading Image...
indexer[14040]: [14040]{01} Server applied: site_id: -801454983 URL: http://mydomain.com/blog/
indexer[14040]: [14040]{01} Allow End InSensitive '.png'
Does anybody know, why it doesn't work?
Is there really no change to search for the picture by alt tag?
There is no such feature.
Or is it possible to let the picture run trough an programm that extracts meta data from it and search for these meta data?
Yes, this is possible.

In this case you need to remove the above "CheckOnly" command,

so indexer will start downloading the images again.

Then you need to feed them to some external program

which will extract meta data from the image files

and print them in HTML format putting image meta data

in HTML meta tags.

indexer.conf commands:

Section meta.imagetag1 30 128

Section meta.imagetag2 30 128

Mime image/gif text/html "/path/to/gif2html $1"

Mime image/jpg text/html "/path/to/jpg2html $1"

Mime image/png text/html "/path/to/png2html $1"

Reply: <http://www.mnogosearch.org/board/message.php?id=21361>
2011-11-20 12:19:48 UTC
Author: Alexander Barkov
Email: ***@mnogosearch.org
i just found out that some pictures get indexed. my html site contains to ways of including pictures. one as a link-picture the other one as a general link.
the ones with the link gets index.
<a href="#"><img width="124" height="79" title="YouTube Video" alt="YouTube Video" src="imgs/youtube_1_borderless.png"></a>
gets indexed
<img src="/Content.Node/blog_entry_image_1.jpg" id="title_image" class="imageleft" width="380" height="154" alt="Paani" title="Paani"/>
doesn't get indexed
This results i get by using the AlwaysFindWord. But when i search for the filename "youtube_1_borderless.png" there is no result? (url.file activated)
Can anybody explain this case?
My reply to the previous post should help.

Reply: <http://www.mnogosearch.org/board/message.php?id=21362>
2011-11-21 13:37:34 UTC
Author: Dominik
Email: ***@gmail.com

thanks for your help!

All my pictues get index. But i cannot search by filename. I think the problem is that the url.file parameter doesn't get saved.

When i use this variable in the template file only some url.file variables are filled. most of them (including all urls ending with .jpg) are empty.

I think this is why i do not get any results when searching for filenames of pictures and the

<!IFLIKE NAME="url.file" CONTENT="*.jpg">

<IMG SRC="$(url)" WIDTH=100>


thing also doesn't work.

Do you know why? Thanks a lot for your help!




i have

section url.file 10 128

in the search.html and in the config file.

Reply: <http://www.mnogosearch.org/board/message.php?id=21367>
